Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Academic World...

It has been far too long..

So for the few months I have done nothing but try to survive the flanks of life and try to become something of myself. As of right now I have yet to come to a logical conclusion of myself and life. Many things have occurred over the past few months. As of recent I have become a student as The Akron University. I am well aware that I am probably over bearing myself. Going from a community campus to a massive big city campus in little to no time is quite a jump for me.

I also, not quite saying, may have a potential boyfriend. Met him at Colossalcon this summer. He listens to me and knows me so well already. We shall see where it takes us.

I could go on this tangent about education and how teachers just don't get it but I should rest up for now. I hope that I can get back on this writing train.

Monday, May 6, 2013

End of school... Hoo Haw!

Ah at long last school is finally coming to an end. Finals are in a couple of days and new beginnings are coming on the horizons. I may be going to a bigger school. A hair is in order. Work is... well work and new goals have been made. I can only imagine what the summer brings. I have purchased a voice recorder as of late and wish to use it as my means of communication. I have been doing podcasts for a while. I don't believe I can use this portable voice recorder for my podcasts but it will help a little.

Go Here If Interested In My Podcasts: Muzey Podcasts

Also My Youtube Page: My Youtube Page

Thanks for reading thus far guys. I will post more as life unfolds.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

My apologies..

For the lack of posts..

School has been hectic. With all the projects in and out of the classroom I can't help be feel over whelmed. There is so much I wish to tell...

In the mean time, I have started to pick up on podcasting my thoughts on society.. Check it out if you guys are interested.


Give feedback if you like.

Thanks everyone and have a Happy Easter :)


Sunday, March 3, 2013


What a beautiful thing.

I have a "podcast" that describes this a bit better than I could ever explain. I want to type this out as best I can but I don't believe I will fully get it out. Instead, allow me a video instead.

Click Here For "Podcast Number 8"

Enjoy the podcast.

I have done 8 episodes of this broadcasting ideal and I quite enjoy it. I just wish I had better material to get the messages out in a more cleaner and professional manner.

What are your thoughts?

Sunday, February 17, 2013


Not all of us need them...

There is this big thing in the Aspergers/Autism world, that 'aspies' and 'auties' have to have a schedule. I am under this impression of constant plans and god forbid if the sky turns pink. I don't have those really strong urges to keep a set in stone plan. However, my father thinks otherwise. Apparently, Aspergers means an extreme version of OCD. Really? I am not the slight bit organized. So he wants to enforce a schedule. Ok I have no problem with that. Schedule are good in life. It keeps you organized and well put together. But when your dad is trying to create that schedule for you.. thats just annoying. On top of that, he keeps changing it. Now how am I to get a schedule down to learn things if every other month you keep changing it? That does not help my case.

On top of that, when I had my first ever melt down, when I wasn't allowed to leave the house because the counter wasn't done correctly and missed a few spots and your girlfriend kept me from leaving the house basketball style, you stepped in and stopped the panic. She was coming closer to me and I said stop... She wouldn't. She looked so proud that she did that. You know what though dad? You couldn't calm me down. You just told me three simple words,"Shut up."

Fuck you dad. You apparently don't give a flying fuck about me if that's all you can say. Your girlfriend is allowed in my room.. with YOUR permission. That's bull.

I know he means well.. but he can't keep changing the schedule like this. It just makes it harder to learn a schedule. It's annoying.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Living the Double Life...

Child and adult all at once...

There come times in my life when I am supremely confused, some more than others. As of late, my father and I have not been on the best of terms. He has been acting very strange and it has begun to bother me to great strengths. For example, today after work, I went to my room to find that it has been cleaned. Granted I am thankful that he has cleaned it (he shouldn't really) but I started to have a bit of a panic because everything was moved around and my door was left open. I don't like my door open for privacy and safety reason of my fish. My cat knows that I have one and he could cause damage to the tank and I don't want her to get in and eat my fish or anything. On top of this, he has accumulated a bunch of things that was clutter and put it all in a box. Most people would find this pleasant but I on the other hand find it rude and not fair. Things like earache drops, jewelry and odd and ends I have made were some of the few. He even put my private stash of granola bars in the kitchen instead of my room where I had them. He also left a list I started of things that we needed for the house (Cat Food, Cat Litter and Trash Bags) in my room with the last item scratched off. I am not sure what I have done to piss him off so much but this is just the tip of the iceberg. A few weeks ago is when it got bad...

Now just as a simple piece of knowledge, I am not a messy person. I get clutter and the such but I do not make a horrendous mess when it comes down to it. I vacuum once a week, I clean up my mirror and take care of my laundry etc; primarily clutter. This the root of where my behalf began. Where it truly rooted I am unsure of but I know this does have something to do with it. Either way, I find myself threatened.

A few months ago I had left a bag of dedicates by the washer and dryer to be washed when it came closer to time. I was going to wear the items it contained for my past Ohayocon but alas... I couldn't find it. I had lost it and could not find the bag containing my black dress and a couple pieces I was going to potentially become a steampunk cosplay. It was a  shirt and pair of pants but still it was necessary that it be washed in a special cycle.
I had a fit because I couldn't find it. I asked my dad if he had seen it and said no. I went downstairs frustrated because I had not moved it (the basement is where the laundry room is). My dad followed me and we started to bicker. He got angry and told me that it should have been in my room. O.o what? Delicates that need washed do not belong in your bedroom, last I checked. After trying to tell him that very thing, the worst happened. 
He got and angry (please let me finish this statement before people panic) and picked up a pair of scissors by the blade and shook the handle at me telling me something along the lines of, "This is down here too!" It was like he was telling me that it shouldn't be down there either. I couldn't understand his reasoning. I know it doesn't sound threatening on paper but when that kind of thing occurs with your father yelling at you with a stiff and stern posture and face... you can't help but die inside.. I died inside that day.

I am calling out to everyone and anyone who live this. He has never laid a hand on me but that day. He scared me .. bad. All of this is accumulating because I am not reaching my fathers expectations. I want to live by my own accord but I am stuck in this childlike state because I have yet to move out and I am under his control. His house, his rules. That means if he wants the door open, he will do so. I have no items of mine. (ok I do but it sure as hell doesn't feel that way) 
Anyone please send advice. I am so frustrated. I vacuum twice a week first floor and my room, take care of the kitty litter and most of the time the food (sense the cat knocks over the bull I have been trying to switch over to just filling it myself instead of the container it is in), my own laundry, keeping my room up to date and clean up the kitchen floor and front room floor as well as keep up with the basics of the bathroom. But because my dad saw dust on the bathroom counter even though I just cleaned it (I must have missed a couple spots and got the main messes) and that I vacuum but apparently I move the vacuum too quick (apparently?) that I don't pick up dirt etc (Oh yes I do!) then he can come into my room and move stuff out of my room and leave my door open etc. I don't care anymore if people think I am a spoiled brat or what. I know what dad did with the scissors is not ok! If you want to teach me do it fucking right!


any advice? 
Also I can't move out quite yet. At 24, I make minimum wage at 8 or so dollars an hour. Most apartments go for 400 at least a month and thats not including electric and water. I am in school and want to experiment with Podcasting and vlogging etc. Communication sounds like fun... 

Friday, February 1, 2013

The Hobbit: A Review (Spoilers)

I very little experience with the Lord of the Rings Series. I walked into this movie with little expectations only because I had no idea what I was putting my foot into. In the first few minutes I can already see relations of the original trilogy, literally. It literally shows the back story already of the elves and dwarves, something I should have expected but didn't. Quite honestly, I don't expect much when I watch a movie like this, or any for that matter. So going into this movie is a bit, blank. Though I don't expect much I still have hopes for it.

Watching up to the point of initial passing out of Bilbo Baggins has proven to be quite a hilarious movie indeed. The scene with them tossing the plates and singing was very fun to watch. By comparison to the LOTR Trilogy, this one is more laid back. There are a lot more happier moments to spare. Not sure If I approve this or not. Though that doesn't hold back the beautiful landscape, camera direction and acting. The music is fantastic as well.

I can't wait for the sequels! Though I am disappointed that it will be 3 movies, I still can't wait to see what Bilbo will get into. I find it interesting, with all the legendary lore. I don't have a lot to say right now so I will wait till all the movies are done first.

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Saturday, January 12, 2013

Hello New Year..

Nice to Meet You...

So 2013 has finally arrived. School is about to take wing and Ohayocon (a japanese anime/gaming/culture convention) is upon us. I can hardly wait to see what the new year is about to bring. I can tell things are getting heated up at home already. Dad has yelled at me again. I am unsure if I am completely to blame of if dad is slowly falling apart. I am currently working on my story. I am going to be so busy.. But you know what.. I kind of need it... I need to keep busy. Other wise,

I get bored.