Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sherlock (2010): A Character Review

Warning: Possible Spoilers

I have recently been indulged in an amazing piece of T.V. drama self titled Sherlock. The modernized version has truly given high insight of understanding of minor details. Sherlock has become possibly my favorite character of all time. He is truly mysterious both in terms of his past and present time. A well kept man keeps you guessing until the end credits... and then some. I have never been so intrigued by a T.V. show sense Doctor Who. I have come very close to crying. Granted I cried my eyes out when Rose left the Doctor but I have never had myself in such a roller coaster. One moment I am excited then the next I am saddened. One moment enjoying the peace then the next I am thought provoked. The main character has given me all the more season to keep watching. Though I don't understand him fully, I find myself with a headache trying to now only solve the mystery at hand but the character himself. He is masterful at his craft and he throws out information that (to him) would be useless. He actually didn't know that the Earth revolved around the Sun. To him this information is obsolete.

There is one thing I would like to explore when it comes to Sherlock. His social behavior is something not normal. Benedict Cumberbatch mentioned in an interview a very interesting point about Sherlock. I had gone through self study and self understanding of the following subject. Benedict mentioned he had a very autistic way of acting with society. Which is very true.

Source Video: If broken please let me know so I can remove it. If you want the quote go to about 1:20, other wise just sit back and watch it..
Benedict Cumberbatch talks 'Sherlock'

Do I believe him to be autistic in some way shape or form? Can't say. There is still far too much about his past that we still don't know. I have no idea if he has these socially awkward ticks are self forced or it's a natural way his brain works. When I say he's in some form autistic, I don't mean it in any mean or nasty way. I myself have experience in autism (my sister is high functioning Autism while I have high functioning Aspergers). I have seen these social ticks in my self, though they aren't quite as obvious and strong. He just views things a little differently than normal people. It is by far not bad but quirkey (though I have to say that in the last episode of season two this could be debated but for old times sake I will keep to my statement). Its what makes Sherlock himself. All I am doing is giving a title that some people can relate to. I fear that people will take the term 'Autistic' and attach it to certain stereotypes. Please before assuming anything regarding the subject, research and observe! I am solely basing this assumption on his very high intellect and social awkwardness. If all else fails than Sherlock became the socially awkward person that he is by force. He created this mental block at an early age for some reason.

Update: After reevaluating some episodes, Watson does mention Aspergers to Detective Inspector Greg Lestrade half way through the Baskerville Episode regarding Sherlock. I will not let this be the absolute answer sense little is truly revealed about Sherlock's past. Until more information is revealed I will stand by the Aspergers Theory only as a theory until further episodes are made and released.

Moving on, he is mysterious in many ways. Like I said before, not much has been told regarding his past. This is the kind of character people love to attach to. Hiding something from the audience that the characters may or may not know. In the final episode, Mycroft spills the beans on Sherlocks past to Moriarty. Now whether he told all of his past or even correct information is a mystery to me (which is part of some peoples theories regarding the final episode as well). Not only is this character mysterious but he is some what dark. He has some sort of past that no one knows. The quote," Oh, I may be on the side of the angels...but don't think for one second that I am one of them" is said by Sherlock in the last episode of season two. I think through out his adventures we find that he is not indeed an angel and we all knew this from the get go. But from all this mystery and dark perceptions there a little heart there. It just doesn't want to pop out and say hello. Whether its because of genetics or not still makes the character all the more a heart throb.

After hearing everything thus far, one wonders how a man like Sherlock could befriend a person like Watson. John Watson is a doctor back from Afghanistan. A calm collective type that misses adventure. The two of them get on each others backs constantly. But they are literally inseparable. There friendship is one that is to rich to not poke fun at. It is joked and played at that they are indeed gay but come now people we aren't that immature right? ;) There friendship is something you don't ever get between. Well except maybe a women but that doesn't go on for very long. There friendship is very strong and they will do what is necessary to help each other out.

"Listen, what I said before John, I meant it. I don't have friends; I've just got one." Sherlock, The Hounds of Baskerville.

 There is only 4 real reasons I could think of that Sherlock would ever need/want Watson as a roommate:

1) He is a Doctor and in need of a flat anyways. None of the other people in the police force will work with Sherlock. He can't work with hardly anyone. Well vise versa actually. No one will work with him. They have no patience for his awkwardness. Sense Watson found his abilities interesting and brilliant then there would be a chance of him working well with him. He could keep him on hand and call to him with ease if need be for a case.

2) Sherlock got a compliment for once regarding his craft. He usually gets the response of  'get lost' or  "Piss off!" as taken straight from the show. So for this kind of reaction to occur is a little surprising to him.

3) Watson saved his life. This is also something that Sherlock might not have ever happened to him. For some one to go out of there way to save a man they had just met hours ago is completely .. unrealistic? Out of there way? Not normal? Either way.. it happened. Sherlock was surprised yet again.

4) Watson wants action again. You could almost debate that he himself is also bored. Oh I am sorry, did I fail to mention that Sherlock gets bored? Oh terribly sorry. Anyways yeah you can put those pens and papers away you fanfiction goof balls cause when I say action I mean sense he was in the army and suffers from Post Dramatic Stress Disorder (please correct me if I am wrong here) and wants adventure again. 

In all honesty, the character is brilliant. He plays around with peoples emotions to get his answers. He constantly need 'entertainment'. Dark mysterious and learns a massive lesson in the final episode that hit everyone hard in the heart, he is a character that will make you coming back for more. A brilliant mind with a few ticks I could simply get over, this character has more than the Doctor of Doctor Who could offer (though it is indeed a rivalry in my mind). I have craved for this show after watching episode after episode and all I want is more. I would love to be this man. I would love to have a friend like this man. I have been Sherlocked.

I'm Sherlock Holmes, the world's only consulting detective.
I'm not going to go into detail about how I do what I do because chances are you wouldn't understand. If you've got a problem that you want me to solve, then contact me. Interesting cases only please. 
This is what I do:
1. I observe everything.
2. From what I observe, I deduce everything.
3. When I've eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how mad it might seem, must be the truth.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

No One Can Hear Me...

... When I Scream.

Words are very important for us human beings. It gives us the ability to portray thoughts and feeling with symbols that combine to make what is called a word. With these words we create sentences which makes a series of thoughts for an idea. This is a form of language. Language is more than just words that we spit out of our mouths but can be the body cues we send as we speak certain words or the volume at which we speak and its tone. These things can be hard for us to understand in the eyes of an Aspey. Though they very with each person the level of understanding as well as what part of language he/she does not understand. This can cause major problems with not only understanding others but they themselves trying to convey something.

For me personally, it is normally the term that us being used and basic understandings of certain phrases. There are words I have heard many times over and over again and for some reason when given the definition I can never understand fully the definition and how to use it. Not so much Nouns and Pronouns and Adjectives etc. Its more like knowing when to use Dork and Stupid. Even as I type this I wonder if my choice of words work for the given situation and are understandable as stand alone sentences. As far as I know I am creating sentences that work and make sense. But alas I normally don't pull it off all to well. I also tend to get past and present tenses mixed up. Not that I don't understand tenses, it's just that I tend to switch tenses in my thoughts and my in my head. It is royally annoying!

I also get tongue tied quite often. I have to slow down often to get words to come out of my mouth. But for some reason I can go on tangents with friends for very long periods of time and not have any issue with my speaking ability. O.o I really don't get it either. It doesn't even have to be on a subject I like. I usually come up with a lot of bull crap to talk about with out even taking a breathe. But when I try to get a point across in a normal conversation my brain can't communicate with the tongue and it doesn't know what to do but randomly slur and babble. "I love my English" or "Speaking English would be a good idea right about now" are usually my phrases to follow and people take it with a simple nod and a giggle.

Though there are times where I wish I could take a horn to get peoples attention. Every time I speak no one listens. I am unsure why this happens. But it happens quite often. I will say something and another person will say the same thing and they will get credit when I just said it 5 seconds prior. I have been ignored before because I will say something and people don't realize I even spoke or some one will say it in a different fashion to where I speak up and say, "I just said that." The person would reply that no I said something different. O.o ok then......After a brief conversation trying to figure it out we come to the conclusion that the words I said were not the proper words to quite say what I wanted. Though they would be relatively close to the same meaning. Which is another thing. I have had moments where I would here a couple of words or phrase and believe them to be "same thing right?" kind of scenarios. Well they explain that they are quite different. But I see it very obviously, like I should have known that .. like it was a forgotten piece of information that I already knew.

Wow this makes no sense at all.. I hope this does make some sort of clarity to who so ever reads this. 'Tis it is late and must conclude. I plan to add updates to certain posts if need be.

So Until Next Time,