Monday, June 18, 2012

Thoughts During A Thunder Storm...

Perception Check

I have been thinking about the borders that are created when one has a very confusing look at society. How there are people who look at you with confusion and sometimes fear because in some cases (mine for example) you come of as ... insane. I am by far not insane though people look at me with such weird looks and concerns sense I say things that come off as whacky or inconsiderate. I understand that my view points are a bit weird. I fail many times to portray my messages clearly. That is something that can take a long time to fix. Perception is such an interesting thing and one that should be understood and respected. This alone could help people understand what is going on in ones head and why people do certain things.

As far as I can tell there is no chance in hell that hardly anyone at my place of employment will ever understand why I do the things I do and think the way I think. There is hope for the world. I just doubt anytime in the near future it will come. In the mean time, I must try my hardest to explain, to the best of my ability, my mental state and capabilities. I don't think I am a genius but I have been told I am quite intelligent. I will keep pushing forward and find my own answers even if no one else will.

I have made a video in the mean time on my youtube channel (prsfilms)

Answer please if you have the time and sorry about the length..

Click here for the video!