Thursday, July 26, 2012

I Cried...

.. Out Loud.

I got the blessed oppurtunity to watch a video on a very special girl named Carly. She has severe Autism. I watched many videos on her and wish to read her book, Carly's Voice. Upon watching her video, I persistently started to cry and cry out loud with no control. My eyes were burning from the tears. Her story has changed me so much in the time that I had watching the videos. I will definitely be reading her book ASAP!

Though I do have to admit that before I was not in a very good mood. I had also just watched a video on a boy whom had Autism and was on this talk show. Just Youtube Search: 'Kathie Lee Gifford Makes Autistic Kid Cry on TV'. It angered me. Made me furious! But Carly.. Oh Carly. 

She literally became my new super hero. She is my idol now. I have no words to describe my feelings right now. I can not describe them right now. Nothing can ever describe the feelings right now. 

I have sense then taken a good look at myself and seen what is up with myself. I remember a person asked me what my stims were. I couldn't really think of anything at the time. Though I can now think of a couple:

1) Crinkling corners of pages in books
2) Talking to Ones Self
3) Hands Clasped When Thinking (Sherlock Holmes Syndrome as I put it)
4) Pacing
5) Used to Chew on Things
6) Does Rambling Count?
7) Oh yeah when I talk about something of great interest sometimes I speak in an accent. XD

Short list but you get the idea.

I have also gotten the chance to watch Jacob Barnett, a savant. Just google search the kid... yeah kid... he is in college at the at of 12! He has Aspergers. 

So I will close this up for today. I am glad I did what I have done these past few hours. :)

Till next time,

Saturday, July 21, 2012

What Dreams May Come...

A movie review...

I have always dreamed of what can possibly be the ultimate after death paradise. For a very long time I kept thinking to myself if all of this is just a dream then what is true reality? I could only imagine with the after life had to give us. The logical place of science and math. The after world that could possibly be out there is beyond anything that could ever be comprehensible. This movie is very much what I needed. This movie is fantastic!

From a technical stand point, this movie is very well done for its age. Gorgeous colors in heaven and dark destroying colors in hell. Cinematics are gorgeous. It's like every shot was taken by a painter.
They love to play with the environment in order to help portray the message. The words are very poetic. The environments are given more than colors. The layout is artistically laid out well.There are times however that the green screen effects are not very well done. More so in places like hell. It's just not as smooth and the lighting feels off in those scenes. The mesh between the actor and the back round don't become one of the same. 

Morally this movie brings upon heaven and hell with out pressing the whole case of religion. This is a very strong motivational picture. The words are portrayed so well. There are no dull conversations. It is very well written. It talks about love and never giving up not about God.

I was tear jerked by the ending. I highly recommend this movie for any one. The alternate ending is best to be an alternate ending. I am glad. They are both technically the same ending. Just played differently. Personally I like the original ending. The ending that is in the movie plays back on the begining while the old one is very bland. They end up on opposite ends of the planet and just isn't as touching as the original.

All in all great movie! I actually cried! But just in case you are curious.. here are some things that I actually didn't like about the movie.

1) The editing in hell is bad. Really Bad.
2) I understand the personal heaven and personal hell thing. But here is my problem. All of heaven and hell is contrived of the couples own personal heaven and hell. Why is heaven and hell only there view of it? it kind of feels like everyone is hell has to suffer through this womens hell. It makes no sense to make all of hell to be like her own hell. Just a thought.
 3) So it takes a blink of an eye to get back from hell but you had to get on a boat to get to hell? Seems legit...

But yeah this is just a brief of my thoughts.. I probably should have done a video but that's ok.. 

till next time ..

Edit: I would also like to add that I was not a big fan of Robin Williams being the main character in this movie. I don't think he had it quite down when he is portraying the character in hell.. not until the very end at least. But other than that he had it down rather well.

Also why did Christy (Williams)  freeze up at the end before returning to heaven. I don't get why that happened and what exactly happened. He is talking then suddenly can't move then suddenly he wakes up in heaven again. What the fuck?


Thursday, July 12, 2012

Autism Abortions...

... This is NOT OK!

So lately I have been catching up on Autism and as I was looking at my facebook, recently blogged about another blogger whom has given a post regarding prenatal testing. Though I am glad for this up and coming technology, I am not all to excited to see that potentially autism can be a reason for the mother to abort and terminate the baby.

Link to the article here...

I have decided to give my two cents on the subject via podcast.

 Also a small milestone today as I have hit the 100 view mark for this blog. Thank you to all whom have read my blogger :)

Friday, July 6, 2012

Zebra Stripes...

I look back to a complicating time in my life, elementary school. I know that seems preposterous but when I was unable to make friends but for a couple all through middle school and elementary school than I believe I have every right to say that it was hard for me at least a little bit. No one understood my way of thinking. I was an outcast. Weird.

The one thing about Aspergers I will always back people up on the misunderstandings that occur inside of the Aspys mind. No matter how hard a person may try, it is extremely hard to understand the mind or at least the words that may come out of an aspy's mouth. Well here is a memory, it's nothing special, to try to tell me what I mean.

I was in the first grade and we were learning about camouflage that animals use in order to defend themselves. I had watched PBS prior to class and thought I had a very clever answer. The children's show Kratts' Creatures had shown how Zibras camouflaged with each other to hide from lions by blending with themselves and the fact/theory that lions are possibly color blind. I raised my hand with full confidence and said my answer, "Zebras." Everyone proceeded to laugh at me including the teacher. I had tried to explain the reasoning but no one would listen. I didn't answer very often in school due to this experience. I couldn't understand how I was wrong. A children's show had just told me an interesting fact on animal life and I get laughed at. (Upon research I found that this fact about Zebras was indeed true.) Due to my shyness and misunderstanding of why they laughed and many of the exact situation that repeated it self in my life, I learned to not speak up.

I still to this day, even after saying how they camouflage in class, don't understand why they continued to laugh that day. Maybe its just me. Maybe this has nothing to do with my Aspergers but it sure as hell does still confuse me. I feel sometimes that I don't understand certain social concepts. To be honest, this is all off of memory. Maybe the teacher didn't laugh at me, but no one sure as hell defended me.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

A Word...

To The Elderly...

If anyone knows me well, they will know that I have scoliosis or in laymons terms, a curvature in the spine that pinches nerves  and causes pain and other symptoms to occur. This is a very painful and annoying disability. I wish I could get rid of it quicker but I am on the road to recovery.

However, in this world the older generations love to pick and nip at you. Yes I understand that the young ones love to complain about things that happen in this world and although I may be one of them, I do not find it all too funny when I get a pinch in my back and some grandma has to walk up to me say, "Wait till you get our age."  

Ma'am I am not amused by your little humorous moment of how you are so much older than us. I feel like I am 80. I had to take four days off of work due to my back going out and the inability get up from laying on my back. I was literally crying as I felt my self the inability to get up and go to work. I had just come back from an adjustment and this is what I get. I was helpless. I had to crawl. I felt like that damn lady from the commercial, "Help I am falling and I can't get up!" It feels so damn wrong that I at the age of 23 have to feel this way. I don't get all to bad anymore but I do feel bad a lot of times. It can be hard to walk and hard to stand. Sometimes even sitting hurts. and when I say hurts I mean to the point of no return. I can only damn it all imagine what it will be like at 50. I will kill myself if I am worse. I am not just a young one crying about life. I am a young one feeling the equivalent to the broken old man in a possible wheel chair. No words can describe the pain that I went through that day. I feel you all who go through the same pain no matter the injury.  So, yeah, bitch please!

Though I do have to put myself on the spot light for a bit and say I do the same damn thing to kids. I know we all do it. Something happens and the kid starts crying and we get pissed. "Wait till you get to college" kind of  moment. Kids no nothing of what is happening. They are new to the experience. I don't know the circumstances so I guess I just need to follow my own piece of advice and not judge. Making that comparison that in the elderly's eyes we are just babies is definitely a big sign of maturity. So I, in return will not judge kids... so damn it old people....

Quit Judging Me!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Me In a Nutshell...

Just a short Blurb...
This song tells exactly how I am at most times.. if not all the time...

Click here for song

Was hoping for a song like this.... me in a nutshell. Yes.. Yes it is....