Tuesday, August 7, 2012

A Short Blurb...

I typed on Facebook..

This is the following post I made just moments ago and hope that all of you get the chance to read it. Thanks for reading my posts thus far and may I tell you all my experiences with Aspergers Syndrome:

I have so many mixed feelings on autsim and its community and parents. Though I have grown up with an autistic older sister I don't quite see the burden that others have. This could be due to the severity of the case or it could be me not quite seeing the relationship. I can tell you now that though I may have aspergers syndrome and do not have severe cases of autism, I find myself offended when people say that they wish there child didn't have the disorder. What I want to hear in all the world for those whom are autistic, is that they wish that society would love, respect and learn autistics. Instead we are given this nasty look as if society wishes nothing to do with them/us. I pray that research is done fully to the highest extent and that if a cure is in deed provided that it is given by choice and based upon severity. I know there are some who go through hell and back and truly do suffer from it. If they wish for a cure that is fine. But for those like us whom need no true help via pill, I only wish that those people can be accepted. I look at these words and only find one true answer involving society...

It will never happen unless we educate. Please for the love of all who are human and holy, do some research on the subject then judge me. If there is one thing that I am forever glad for in my friend/co-worker (you know who you are) it is this:

Thank you for doing at least some research on the subject and treating me like an adult for the first time in a while. I know others have treated me like adults and I know some have done research (that I am aware of). But you are the only one I know whom have done both. For that I thank you Charlse. I also would like to thank Patty (no facebook account so no links to either one) for listening to me. No matter the issue I have to face, you listened and praised me for the good I have done. For that I tip my hat to the both of you and give a respectful bow.

Thank you all for reading this if you have and may God bless you this week and many days to come.

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