Thursday, December 13, 2012


And Misunderstanding...

In the 3rd grade, we had these little baby chicky's that came into our class room. I can't quite remember why we had them or anything but I remember them quite well. I remember they liked to hop out of the kids hands for some odd reason. Maybe they wanted to take flight despite biological boundaries?

Any ways, I wanted to prevent them from falling out of my hands so I held them a certain way. I would clasp them so lightly but let my pointer finger and my ring finger split apart so the head could fit through. Unfortunately one of the students thought I was choking it but when I tried to explain (if memory serves right) some one took it away from me. Thanks f*cker....

Also I remember as a kid we had a small garden at around the same grade and I remember planting a small seed and ... stomping on it. At the time, I remember watching others plant and they would pat it down. Well, I thought that you had to do that I just decided to use my foot with light force. I do not mean that sarcastically.

I get misunderstood all the time. I have no idea how to correct it. It happens all the time. It is, however, a two way street. I misunderstand them just as much as they do me.

I feel so alone because of it and what I believe in gets construed all the time. My words get twisted and people don't listen to me and jump the gun about me.

Any of you ever have those?

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